Monday, February 15, 2010

Love, a shed and two trellises

James and I have spent 29 Valentine's Days together. One less than the total number of years we've been a couple since we were living on different coasts that first Valentine's Day.

I am a lucky person because he remembers these sorts of things and doesn't mind when I don't. If push came to shove he could fairly quickly figure out how many hours and minutes we've spent together.

For three decades we have experienced, like so many other couples, a wide range of days and dates on the Big V-Day. Some have been storybook romantic, sometimes they've been lucky to have a romantic moment.

James and I have alternated being the "rose giver". The person who has had the inclination and the time to get the roses or wine or fast food so that we could be together. Once I think we shared fast food sitting at the foot of my dad's hospital bed.

Over this last weekend we went out to dinner and gave each other roses. We weeded, planted roses and California natives, and began prep for our spring garden. We also positioned some substitutes for a shed and some trellises that we envision building together. This weekend was filled with looking to the future and sharing our love for each other. There is no substitute for that.

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