Monday, February 8, 2010

To buy a book

I don't know how folks are able to blog on a daily basis. I think there must be fast writers just as there are those of us who think quickly on our feet. Me, I tend to think, self edit and then having self edited, re-edit my edit. Or share something that is a bit clumsy. Add the layer of blogging and linking and such and, and, and, oh my. I'm on a steep learning curve.
In any case, it is good to be back and exciting to know that folks would like to know where to buy my book. I haven't checked this month, but know that it has been available locally at the Pasadena Museum of History, Walgreen's on Lake Ave., both Vroman's, and PCC bookstore. It is also available via standard chain stores. And, for those who are not able to buy a book it is available via our Pasadena Library System.
I would love it if folks bought the book, I'd be fibbing if I said otherwise, but I also hope that folks will read the book and begin to do some of their own investigation into a history that is rich, but not well known. And that many more books will be written about local and regional histories that are told from a variety of experiences and perspectives. Lacking that variety too often allow for the sharing of history to become a bit ritualistic.
Okay, commercial over, off soapbox, and back to organizing Latino Heritage papers. Oh, and because there is no image yet, my mentioning pregnancy only had to do with duration of time. My age rounds up to 60 and I am not in a miracle pregnancy category.

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