Monday, April 26, 2010

Open Days

Most folks are familiar with Pasadena Heritage. Their work helps us better understand and preserve architecture. In a similar vein the Garden Conservancy highlights grand and thoughtful gardens. Yesterday was an Open Doors day, a bit like a Craftsman Weekend.

James and I first went to Rancho La Loma. Marco Barrantes of La Loma Development Co. has worked on this garden for quite some time since it is his parent's home. His treatment of a drybed was beautiful. The gray-green of the nopal enhanced the grays and browns of the rocks; it was so moving.

While there we met Said, who was helping his brother Ari. Said is standing by a chicken coop made from recycled metal and branches that were pruned from a tree. He had more questions for us than we may ever have answers. He was charmer who loved the chickens. And the ducks. And horses.

James posed under a grand tree and enjoyed its micro climate. Hurrah for established trees and their umbrellas.
He shared that he had a good time!

And at the Sally and Harlan Bixby Garden...
neither the turtle nor the crocodile made a sound. Well, the croc did make splashing sounds.

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