Friday, October 11, 2013

Cultural Investigation and Support

It's Art Night and I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get out of the house tonight.  
But I know that I will be out of the house tomorrow!  I'll be getting things ready for a workshop with students from the Puente program and the Unidos Club - both at Marshall High School.

Then I'll be off to the Celebration of Our Culture at All Saints Church.  Tomorrow is Día de la Raza.  Many folks are used to thinking of this as or with a sort of false cognate.  It is not so much about a race as it is about a particular culture, or perhaps even better, about particular aspects of many cultures.  
I'll be sharing information about the Parade & jamaica and who knows what all I'll be learning.

Sunday we'll be moving over to Robin's in East Pasadena.  Not sure we'll have ribs, but may end up having a delish breakfast.  Whatever I might end up doing,  I'l be sure to tell the server that I'm there for Latino Heritage and "ta taah", Robin's will donate 25% of the cost of the meal to Latino Heritage.  How great is that?  

Please if you would like to support Latino Heritage and the good work we do amble or drive over to Robin's.  Please share this with your friends.