Monday, March 29, 2010

A reflection

It is a holy week for many who follow formal religions. Tonight was Passover and many spent time reconnecting with traditions that are thousands of years old. This book of the Stations of the Cross belonged to a member of the Duarte family and rests in the Duarte Historical Society and is a part of Christian lenten tradition.
They both surround a story that is meaningful - especially to those remembering what came before - and can provide guidance for the future. They are repeated for many reasons, but perhaps mostly because they bring us hope.
I've been reading "Tattoos on the Heart" by Father Greg Boyle. Perhaps this my vehicle for reflection and redirection this year. He quotes one of my favorite poets, Emily Dickinson. I've lost the page with his quote, so here's a fine filler.
"Hope is the thing with feathers
that perches in the soul,
that sings the song without the words
and never stops at all".
I hope your days allow for moments when you hear your heart singing songs without words.

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