Friday, April 15, 2011

To get from this to that, was no small feat.

Here are some pictures of the dramatic changes that took place between the Heart Dance Studio and the Danzon Studio Club.

The fact that the previous incarnation had beautiful, if not too visible, wooden floors could only have been seen as a plus. Likewise the fact that the building had housed many things related to electricity, even a company that was an electrical distributor.

Added to the structure were the visions of Sergio de Karlo and the painterly skills of Danny Castro both supported by Marie T. Hall, a silent partner, and before you knew it The Danzon Studio Club was a part of Pasadena.

The next couple of weeks I need to make sure I use my time to make the Latino Heritage fundraiser a success. Contrary to what some think we are an organization that is volunteer led.

That can be a good thing. But it is also the sort of thing that will make this Pasadena Latina write less in the next couple of weeks.

In the meantime check out - updates and such will be flourishing.


  1. Thanks it was fun to play with the colors to have a greater contrast between the two.
