Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Looking to the 21st Century

I was invited to Sierra Madre Elementary to present awards to young students who after a year of hard work have been reclassified as English Language Proficient. They are on the road to receiving the PUSD Seal of Biliteracy on their graduation dipomas.

It will be a while 'til members this group might receive them. These were the kindergarten students who performed beautifully. They were incredibly musical and natural.
It was cool to see that they are also informed by other 21st century ideas and ideals. The image below is from the garden that was recently planted by the children and their community.
Hats off to the good folks that are connected to with Sierra Madre Elementary.


  1. Both of my children went there. From K thru 6. It's a beautiful school with wonderful energy.

  2. And they seem to be showing considerable wisdom in teaching the children, and their parents, a different way of beautifying the landscape.
