Sunday, July 31, 2011


Hard to believe that this photo is almost 10 years old.

I know some may be surprised by my hair color, but if you are old enough to remember back a decade, you'll remember that there were a lot of folks who tanned well who were dying their hair this color. I took the opp and jumped on the bandwagon.

This color, by the way, was much nicer than the first effort - which we affectionately referred to as the "Tweetybird Yellow".

So why this photo now? It's not my birthday, it's not my friend Joseph's birthday, nor am I about to dye my hair again.

The photo is really here to you introduce to Joseph - a nephew of sorts - who is a gifted visual artist. He has been working on his craft and has been traveling around the world to in order to better absorb different people and places. He's been to several countries in Europe and now is interested, really interested, in learning more about Mexico.

So if any of you know of an Artist Colony that is steeped in Western Classical art and Mexican culture please let me know. He's ready to a little exploring of his own and he would welcome your help.


  1. Tweetybird yellow -- I must remember that. Don't know of any artist colonies -- wish I did.

  2. It was a most accurate description. Turns out if you've never had your hair dyed, and that hair is healthy, you need a REALLY long time to bleach it.
    I know one of my friends will pop up with the colony info.
