Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The view of my room; or what could be better than grade one, stage one

I don't know.  How about grade IA and stage one.

Yes.  Good news.  They got all the cancer.

I need to return for a check-up every six months for the next five years.  Feeling fortunate to have healthcare; happy that doctors were pro-active; lucky to experience the kindness, love, and good food folks have shared with me and the love of my life.

Oh, and note I did not mention all the yummy food that folks have shared with us.  Shoot, we've even had a friend stop by and mop our kitchen floor.  If that isn't an expression of love, I don't know what is.

I'm pooped but I wanted to share.

And for your visual entertainment here are a couple of pictures.

Sometimes it is all about the angle of the shot.  Here is proof.  This was a lovely, tasteful arrangement sent to my hospital room by the Women's City Club.  I can't begin to tell how this brightened the hospital room and my first meals of broth and red jello.

Thanks to Comadres Delfina, Hilda, Sandra, and Sylvia with floral additions from Carmen and Kathee.  I get to enjoy this view.  

I'm to take it slow for the next three weeks.  The view will help.

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