Thursday, October 23, 2014

It's Thursday. There seems to be a pattern here

For the bulk of this convalescent period I've mostly been at home.  Except for Thursdays.  
Last week it was very brief speaking engagement.  
Tonight I'm going to the El Centro fundraiser.  
And Dr. Cynthia Olivo is the reason.

Cynthia has been at Pasadena City College for six years and in that time she has been among those who have provided stability for the campus.  During her first years at PCC - she's been working there for over six years  - she was commuting from the Inland Empire AND finishing a doctoral program at the Claremont Graduate School.  

Dr. Olivo earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Education with an emphasis in Urban Issues from Claremont Graduate University.  Her research included Undocumented Students, Social Capital, Culturally Relevant Curriculum and Pedagogy, and Access to College issues.

While at PCC she has provided leadership to the award winning PCC Pathways Program, Veterans Resource Center, The President's Latino Advisory Committee, the Association of Latino Employees, PCC participation in Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities, Safe Zone Coalition, and the current Dual Enrollment Pilot Program--The Pasadena Academic and Career Trust (PACT).

The hardest part of the introduction will be trying to figure out what I can carve out of the above and still do her justice.  I'll likely include the following (her words) - [I was] raised by my awesome single mom who shaped the lives of myself and three younger sisters to be good people who care about others. 

And since this is TBT here's a blast from my past.  
Getting ready to tape "Casa Martinez - música y más" with Tony Plana as my guest at the old KPAS studio which was next to Hensteeth Shopping Center.  
The set was designed by Ed and Rita Almanza.
This was way back in September 1998.  

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