Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thanks, book.

Several years ago a former colleague suggested I write a book. I did and have shared some of that here. Sales are going well. Most days I feel that having written a book is a lot like nurturing a child. You give your time and you try to do your best to have them be the best they can be. And then you let them go.

I have come to learn that books, like children, have their own life cycles. When you have your book on shelves and on cyber shelves you don't know when folks are reading the book or what questions they might have about your book. Beyond that you don't know what riches they might have to share with you.

This photo was taken in 1938 in Pasadena. Manny still smiles when talks about working on this wagon with his brother Johnny.

I heard a smile on the voice of the fellow who contacted re: the Danzon Supper Club. And when we were at the screening of When Worlds Collide there was a giant smile on the face of a young artist who wants to get his relatives and me together to share something of their unique Pasadena history. The family lived at the train station for the Raymond Hotel. I've read articles about them and their experiences - lots of rooms, good for a large family - but I've never had a chance to sit down and hear what they want to share of their experience.

Now because of the book I'll get a chance to learn and then share yet another Pasadena story.

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